Wiring Harness Clamp

About this product

The Wiring Harness Clamp (#82711-1E070), a vital Engine-Fuel part in the Radiator & Water Outlet system, serves a critical role in securing the wiring harness within your Toyota vehicle, preventing it from shifting, chaffing, or becoming damaged during operation. This Clamp holds wires in place securely, which is integral to maintaining the integrity of the electrical system. If the Wiring Harness Clamp (#82711-1E070) were to become old or broken, the wiring harness could become loose, leading to potential damage to the wires, electrical malfunctions, and safety concerns. Therefore, it's important to periodically replace this part with genuine Toyota Autoparts, which are crafted to Toyota's high standards and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Not only does this maintain vehicle compatibility, but also contributes to overall system efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 16571-03030;16571-74190
Part Number 82711-1E070

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